Thursday, July 7, 2011


a writer is a writer when he knows exactly what to say,
about the weather, or the movie, or the events of the day.

a writer is a writer when he can call you out by name,
unveil emotions from deep inside you and show you his the same.

a writer is a writer when he causes ink to come to life,
bringing breath to imagination, sinking in like a knife.

a writer is a writer when he frightens you to pieces,
sleep - unacceptable when you're succeptible to his devices.

a writer is a writer when his writing makes sense,
even with errors of spelling, comma, or tense.

a writer can rhyme,
a writer could chime,
a writer may never make more than a dime.

a writer I am, a writer you are.
there's nothing else to it, don't dig in too far.

a writer is a writer when he dares to admit,
his writing is just a simple outlet,
for all of the words built up inside,
dying to escape from the jail of his hide.

tonight this writer is writing,
only to write, no other reason, just writing...
and writing...
and writing.


  1. This is stunning. I'm glad you're a writer and I get to be your reader.

  2. I agree! You are a writer and a fabulous one at that!

  3. Thank-you for your encouragement! It's a pleasure to write and exciting to have readers.
