Saturday, June 11, 2011

too many layers

"A grownup is a child with layers on." ~Woody Harrelson

Perhaps it's because it's summer.  Perhaps it's because it's the time of year I enjoy relaxing in the sun with a margarita in hand.  Perhaps it's because I don't have to be grown up when I'm not wearing my "teacher hat."  Perhaps it's the people I choose to hang around lately.  Perhaps, it's how I spend my time.  Whichever of the "perhapses," the fact is - I have been feeling a little less grown up lately.  I have been asking myself, What is a grown up anyway?  As I sat with a table of adults last night, each of us enjoying conversation, laughter and obnoxiousness, the answer was obvious:  Nobody.  Nobody is a grownup. 

My grandfather had a great bit of advice, "You're not grown up until you've learned everything there is to know.  So, I guess I won't be until I'm dead."  He's right, you know, my grandfather.  What wise words.  Although I'm sure he believed some of us are a bit more grown up than others.  There may be levels of adulthood.  "May" is the wrong word, I should have used "are."  There are levels of adulthood.  But, it begs a new question:  At which level am I? and Is there a stopping point?  As I write you tonight, dear Void, I do not have the answer.  I think perhaps, am somewhere in between.

Levels or layers, whichever you chose to call them, Woody was right when he said what he said about grownups.  Some of us just have more layers covering our inner child.  However, it makes me wonder:  How many layers are too many?  What if we keep layering on and layering on until the bottom layers begin to suffocate the child beneath?  The sparkle of mischief.  The gallons of glimmering joy.  The speck of overwhelming optimism.  Most importantly, the priceless sound of laughter.  What a sad place the world would be without the laughter of children!

I implore you today, Void.  Don't take yourself too seriously.  Seriousness is the first step to a layer too thick.  The world is already a serious place.  Tragedy, heartbreak, war, politics, work, money, and even the weather...all subjects too serious for your fragile first layer.  Keep your child inside alive.  Learn new things.  Have fun everyday.  Dance in the rain.  Laugh lots.  Smile often.  Rejoice in the small things.  Take each trouble with a grain of salt.  Be alive!  Pray continually.  Throw off your layers once in awhile.  The world needs kids, like you and I.  Perhaps, we'll all begin to feel more like ourselves again.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Itchy Feet

It all started when got on the plane for a short stay in Wisconsin after a long school year.  I could feel it crawling down my spine and into my legs as I boarded.  Sitting on the plane, gazing out over the clouds, the feeling grew stronger and moved into my ankles.  I got off the plane, and the feeling was in my toes.  It's an uncomfortable feeling.  A restless feeling.  It's an itch.  There is an itchy feeling in my feet.  I have been diagnosed with Itchy Feet.

At first I told myself it was just a summer itch.  I thought the symptoms would go away after a day or two.  But as I relaxed at home day after day, the feeling wouldn't go away.  I thought if I began to research, maybe that would sooth the restlessness.  I began to read up on forgein countries, places of interest, excitement, and the unknown.  My itch quickly became a dull ache which I knew could only be soothed with one thing...I must travel!  Yet there I sat only reading about it.

Days later, I took a drive to the Minneapolis airport to pick up my brother after a two week adventure in China.  His stories turned the aching in my feet to an actual throbbing pain.  So many amazing and spectacular things he shared with me!  What an interesting place to visit and take in!  I began to wonder...what are you doing standing around for?  Go somewhere!!   My feet were killing me.

Lucky for me, a short family vacation is a short-term fix.  Turns out - I have never been to Chicago.  We are here.  We are visiting.  We are tourists.  We are loving it.  Glad to be here, scratching my feet.  But I can already tell this remedy is only temporary.  My traveling bug is on its way to remission.  But will surface again.  The funny thing is, for some reason that possiblilty doesn't bother me.  Itchy Feet is the best kind of diagnosis I can imagine.  Bring it on!