Friday, April 22, 2011

more to life...

My work is done, the house is clean, the yard is raked, the garage is swept, the groceries are put away, and now it's time to blog.  But, what more is there to say?  Has it not all been said already?  My list was brief, short and sweet, yet mostly boring.  If you are reading this and continue to do so in the months to come, you will find my life is just that - mostly boring.  I work.  I clean.  I do life like any other single gal in Salt Lake City.  I live.  This day, however, I noticed a certain reflection as I went about my daily tasks.  Today is a day I stop and remember, there is more to life than life itself.

Today is Good Friday, the Goodest of Fridays.  Today, my Jesus, erased all my feelings of hopelessness and doubt.  Today, my Friend of friends, was pierced for the wrongs I have done.  Today, my King, showed the world how to truly love an enemy.  Today, my Savior, died to pay the price for me. 

Greater love has no man than this: that he lay down his life for his friends. -John 15:13

Every other day is a day to work on the important things.  Every other day is a day to stress.  Every other day is a day to experience something new.  This is a day to remember the gift of his love.  His love for me.  His love for you.  In a few short days I will see his love and glory and splendor and might as he rises again for me.  For my life.  He died so I could live.  I'll live it until the day he comes back to take me to my real life.  The life without work, or raking, or sweeping, or weeping, or stress.  The life I receive trumps all joys on Earth.  That life will be perfect.

Christ has died.  Christ is risen.  Christ will come again! 

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