Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Impressed by Finesse

Dear Governor Romney,

For the first time in my life as an eligible voter I am not voting in ignorance.  In the past, I have looked at the platforms the day before I go to the polls and decided based on one or two issues, who I was going to choose as my president.  This year, for the first time, I decided to cast an informed vote.  For the first time, I decided to keep tabs on the debates, the news, Facebook pages, and Twitter.  For the first time, I am interested to know WHO it is I'm actually voting for.

Unfortunately, even more-so than before, I am undecided and frustrated with the choices.  People say, "Let your voice be heard!"  "Make your voice count!"  "Do your duty as a citizen."  I will go to the polls this year because it is my privilege, my right, and my duty as an American citizen.  However, it is difficult for me to say at this point if either candidate will get my vote.  I'm disappointed in the actions of the candidates.  In the last month I've heard, from both candidates, about how terrible the other man is and how much better "I" am going to be.  I've heard bad-mouthing, mud-slinging, interrupting, insults to the heart, accusations of lying and more.  More than that, I am a person who has always looked to her leaders as people who are caring of others...even their enemies.  It makes me sad to watch the debates.  In a world where everyone in our country has a voice, an opinion, questions, and answers, I did not feel last night's debate was about everybody else.   Last night's debate, in my opinion, was rude, inconsiderate, and harsh.  There was rudeness on the part of both candidates toward the people in that town hall and that does not impress me.  Perhaps I got in the picture at the wrong time.  I should have been following the politics for the last four years, instead of jumping in four weeks beforehand, when tensions are high and time is of the essence.

Governor, I am a voter impressed by finesse.  I am a person who sees her leaders as people who will take her down the right path.  That is not to say, I think my leaders should never make mistakes.  We are human, that's what we do.  That is not to say, I think my leaders should keep all their promises to us.  Promises are made everyday and broken everyday, it's the world we live in.  We can have an agenda, but it is oftentimes God's agenda we live by. But, all that being said, I trust that you are a great leader.  I know, because you have been in a leadership position much of your life.  As a father, as a business man, as a leader of the state, I know you are a great leader because you have also said you are a caring man.  I can see that you are a man of conviction and understanding of the American people.  You, Governor and your running mate, have many morals which are noble and I agree with my whole heart. 

I understand that during a debate it is difficult to be polite as many words are turned around and misunderstood.  Manners aside, Governor Romney, I was impressed with your answer last night to the gentleman who asked, "Candidates, what is something that has been misconstrued about each of you?  What would you like to say to debunk that right now?"  Your answer was that you care about 100% of the American people.  You care about 100% of what is going on in our lives.  That answer stood out to me because I was looking for something in the debate that was not pointing fingers at the opponent, but rather self reflection and concern for us - the citizens of this country.  A country, where things are not going well.  A country, which is becoming scarier and scarier to live in.  Your answer showed you have the right motives to be the president of this country.  You have the absolute, pure motives of a leader who cares.

I am a voter who is impressed by finesse.  Perhaps I'm the only one.  Nevertheless, I have a voice.  I have a decision to make at the polls.  Right now, I'm undecided.  Right now, I'm frustrated with the choices.  But you have a decision to make also.  You can decide to have my vote by being the person you are.  Please continue to show you care.  Know you have my respect and trust as a possible leader of this country.  Don't prove it by pointing fingers.  Prove it by using the evidence of your past.  Prove it by helping us understand the answer to the question, "Who is Governor Romney?"  Let us find the answer be, he is a carer, a giver, a servant, a man of integrity, a man who can lead with finesse.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message.

Impressed by Finesse in California

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