Tuesday, May 1, 2012

knobby hobby

What are your hobbies?  Seriously, I'm curious.  I don't know if I have one and I'd like to know what yours are so I can decide if I have one too.  When a person spends approxomately 93.445% of the little free time she has on the couch watching bad TV, it leaves very little room for a genuine hobby.  So, I'm asking you, Void...What are your hobbies?  How did they come about?  And...how do I get one?

Watching TV is not a hobby. Of that I am certain. And sleeping is probably not something we should consider "a hobby" either.  I wonder what a hobby is anyway?  Let's ask our great nerd friend, Webster.  Here's what he said: "hobby: noun - An activity or interest persued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation." Oh, well in that case...I guess maybe watching TV is a hobby...as long as you're not paid to do it.

Why this sudden interest in hobbies, you ask?  This afternoon, I was engaged in a rather interesting and humorous conversation on the very subject and that's when I realized...I don't have a hobby.  And I guess if everybody else has a hobby, I think I want one too.  Even the students in my class have hobbies.  I think making toys out of 2-dimentional pieces of paper could be considered a hobby.  Reading is definitely a hobby.  Perhaps losing one's pencil...is that a hobby?  (maybe not since it doesn't bring much relaxation or pleasure.)

Do you think people of today have any of the same hobbies as people of yesterday?  Have you ever met someone who enjoys bird-watching or stamp collecting?  Maybe not.  I would think with such a broad definition for the word hobby a person could invent a new hobby everyday.  Today my hobby was watching old re-runs of Seinfeld on YouTube.  Tomorrow I may make it a hobby to pull weeds in the front flower beds.

In the end, I guess it really doesn't matter what our hobbies are.  What probably matters most is that we're willing to try new things and get new hobbies once our old ones have run their course.  So, maybe I don't have hobby.  Maybe you do.  Maybe we both find time for relaxation and pleasure in this busy life we live.  Maybe that's what's really important and healthy - making time for your hobby.  I guess if your hobby ends up being napping on the couch...so be it, Void, so be it.

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy your posts. I think what always trips me up and keeps me from thinking I have a hobby is I this: I think/thought that the activity that I selected as my hobby had to be consistent from one day to the next. If knitting is my hobby, I should want to knit nearly everyday. Or I think/thought that my hobby had to be one that I was instinctively drawn to when those free moments would arrise. I have not come to realize, dear friend, that we are not without hobbies, instead we have so many hobbies that we couldn't possibly be tied down to one! I like it, and you, and your blog. Reading it is a hobby of mine. :)
