Please LEND me your eyes and your time for an extremely nerdy post.
An ODE to Scrabble: A game of NOUNS, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions and the occational otamatopiea (words like: POOF, buzz, crack)
I SMILED when I woke this morning to yet another Saturday SKY filled with clouds which noted: Fall is a GONER and the chilly STING of winter is here. Time for TWEED jackets and MINX coats once again. With Christmas right around the corner, I can literally hear consumers DEBITING as they strive to CRAM IN just one more gift or ACE that screaming deal. Several TRIPS to the grocery store on slippery PAVED roads to recover various odds of AG, (i.e. RUBY red BEETS, giant green beans, and fabulous FRUITY flavors) I recall memories of past Thanksgivings at my uncle's house, "You kids are making a ZOO out of this place!" He'd often say. Amidst the screech of a monkey, the wave of an elephant TAIL, the bellow of an EWE, and the occational, "Joey, have you been to the barber? You've got quite the SHAG on your head!" there was always LAUGHTER and LOVE to be shared. AH yes, the holidays DO seem to cause my heart to tickle with a QUEER remembrance of the past and an exciting hope for the future. As I sit and sip my cup of JOE (most definitely not TEA) and enjoy a solo game, I cannot help but wonder IF this holiday season will be much different than the last. OY! Is that a ZIT? DRAT...some things never change.
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