Monday, May 9, 2011

No time to write.

7:11 AM Wake up.  Take a walk.
7:32 AM See an older man walking his dog, think about writing about being dogless.
7:47 AM Return home for tea and an egg sandwich.  Make coffee. 
7:56 AM Finish breakfast, think about writing about breakfasts.
7:57 AM Start an episode of "How I Met Your Mother,"  think about writing about On Demand television.  Also think about changing cable plan.
8:20 AM Shower, get dressed, do hair, get coffee, write offering check, grab Bible.  Think about writing about rushing.
9:12 AM Check mailbox, start car, read mail, drive to church, sing in the car.  Think about wirting about Salt Lake City drivers.
9:27 AM Arrive at church, greet friends, sit down to Bible Class just on time, engulf self in Romans, chapter 3.  Think about writing about unrighteousness.
10:35 AM End Bible Class, talk to a parent, chat with a prospect parent, smile at a new-comer, sit down next to friends in worship.
10:47 AM Think about writing about what it must be like to be a parent in a church service.
Noonish Stroll out of church in conversation, congratulate and welcome newly baptized family, chat and laugh with church-goers, wish "Happy Mother's Day."  Make plans for lunch with friends.
1:33 PM Leave for lunch with friends, end up at The Training Table, order the Guac burger.  Decide to write about fast food.
2:59 PM Return from lunch with friends, call Mom to sing, "Happy Mama's Day, To You!"  Leave a message.
3:14 PM Home.  Re-heat coffee, enjoy with my Bar Harbor moose mug.  Gaze at the falling rain.  Listen to the rain.  Soak in my coffee.  Think about writing about coffee.
3:17 PM Realize I have stuff to do.  Pay some bills, organize finances, research insurance, figure out life.
6:22 PM Think about writing about organizing my life.
6:23 PM Call Mom back.  Tell her "Happy Mother's Day!"  Talk about how I spent all day organizing my life.  Ask her advice about my life.  Talk more about what I've discovered about my life today.
7:23 PM "Oh, how are you, Mom?  I haven't even asked about you yet." 
7:25 PM Mom has to go...Dad made her dinner.
7:25 PM Think about writing about how great Moms are.
7:27 PM Get writer's block.
7:32 PM Facebook.  Putz on computer.  Organize life more.  Sort laundry.
8:55 PM Realize hunger.  Drink water, begin school work.
9:00 PM Stop to check Facebook.
10:43 PM You really need to write about Facebook addiction.
10:44 PM Close the computer, re-begin school work.
11:32 PM Pack school bag, make lunch, prep coffee, set alarm for 5AM, brush teeth, floss, wash face.
11:43 PM Think about researching skin acne treatments.
11:44 PM Lay down to write before bed.
11:45 PM Research skin acne treatments.
12:02 AM Still not tired. Acne is gross to write about.  Play some electronic Scrabble.
12:15 AM Lose electronic Scrabble.
12:34 AM Winner!
12:35 AM Too tired to write about the sensation that is Scrabble.  Skim TIME's Special Report about how Osama Bin Ladin is dead.
12:55 AM Yawn.  Time to sleep.  Writing will wait.
1:11 AM Mind will not sleep.  It's been over a week since you wrote.  Void misses you.  You miss Void.
1:26 AM Finish rediculous entry. 
1:27 AM Post.
1:28 AM ZZZZzzzzz......


  1. Void readers have also missed you. Confession: When I sit down to write and can't think of anything I check your blog. I have checked it at least a dozen times this last week. When I see you haven't written anything, I give myself a pass not to write anything. My pass is up. Now it's my turn.

  2. You, my friend, are a very loyal reader. Shall we cheer each other on in this adventure of writing? It will be like having a workout buddy.
