Having 5 extra minutes of down-time this Monday morning, I think I'll write a little bit. I've been wanting to for some time now, but as many of you writers know, it's a hobby which takes more than just time. But this morning, the stars have aligned and I have something to write.
I have a question for you, Void. I came across it in our morning devotion and think it's worth sharing. If you had a choice to live your life over again (exactly as it went) or to die today...which would you choose? When I first read it my initial reaction was to die. Although I've lived a mere 25 years and I have not seen nearly as much tragedy or hardship as some 9 year-olds-see, I still think I would rather die than live it all over again. Even though my life has been filled with joys and adventure, blessings and pleasure, wonder and beauty...I still think I would chose death rather than to live each moment over again. My reasoning is this: the amazing joys and happiness I've felt, the fantastic experiences I've had, and the people I've met (or fallen in love with), can not compare to the joy, happiness, experience, and love I will have in heaven with my God. My God is not dead and he never will die. After my death is my real life. After death is when I will see God. "With my own eyes I shall see him." says Job, the great sufferer. And that, Void, is the greatest joy and pleasure of all. Wouldn't you agree?
K, that was my 5 minutes of thought for the day. Blessings to all of you in the wide-world!